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David .R. Juniper

I've always been different with a passion for the odd and unusual, I see ordinary objects and totally turn them upside-down. Glass is a particular favourite of mine, always fascinated by church windows, old bottles, in fact anything arty made of it I loved. I started making tables in the mid 1990's, paused to get married and raise a family. In 2011 my father passed away, for my wife and our two young boys life changed completely. My mother was showing signs of confusion and was diagnosed with dementia after a fall in 2012. We moved her in with us, after 14 months I had to make one of the toughest decisions in my life, and she moved to a specialist care home passing away in March 2015. Shortly after the ideas started to flow again, I decided to write everything down (a practice I would recommend to anyone), a major breakthrough was incorporating coloured vinyl under the glass which transformed the pieces. As well as tables I am now making lamps and candlesticks which are proving very popluar. Enjoy looking at my work, hope it makes you smile.

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The Gambler1.jpg

I was lucky in 1993 to buy The Gambler from one of the original owners, who commissioned it from Paul Karslake in 1985. I only got the basic frame, it was missing hubs, rear running boards, forks, engine and seat, after sourcing the missing parts I then gave it to Andy McAvoy (now Sprayart in Southend) to match the paintwork, touch in the damaged panels and re-lacquer. The seat was my design but carried out by Andy Nixon, he also made the spare wheel cover and rack pad for the flipover rest. Other additions include poker chip grips, dice levers, pierced rear light unit, engraving by Adi in Colchester. Recently it's been treated to a flyscreen covered in money by Feenix Signs in Wisbech. I do ride it ocassionally, not often and even less now the original artist, Paul Karslake, a legend as the man to go to for work painting scooters, passed away in March due to Covid-19. It's always been special to me and my wife, technically I own it but I'm just it's guardian now.


Paul Karslake 1958 - 2020 RIP

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